Sample F.I.T.T Chart and Explanation

  • January 29, 2021

By Milton Volleyball Research Team

Let’s say that you want to track your fitness levels in  a more specific way. If you want to, the chart provided below (written in first-person) is an example of one you can use to track your levels. This chart is focused on the F.I.T.T principle which stands for frequency, intensity, tie and type. The first category in the chart below has to do with what you want to improve on. There are two examples provided and they are being able to do a two mile run and more push-ups.

The Chart Categories

As mentioned previously, “F” in this acronym stands for frequency. This means, how often do you do said activity in a week? This is the second category. You are going to want to write how many days a week you are going to do said exercise. For example, in the two mile run, the person said they were going to practice this three times a week on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

The second letter in this acronym is “I.” It stands for intensity. Intensity is how hard you work at the activity per session. However, this isn’t written as thirty numbers. It is a little more confusing because it goes into more specifics. This one has to do with cardiorespiratory endurance and working harder. As a goal, this would be said as training 60-85% of the target heart rate zone/70-85% of one’s maximum heart rate.

The third letter in the acronym is “T.” It stands for time like most would presume. However the second “T” stands for something else. That said, how long do you work out at each session? Ten minutes? Thirty minutes? Or even an hour? This depends on you and the higher the time it is, the higher the intensity is. Don’t overwork yourself though or else it may affect you the next day.

The final letter is another “T.” This stands for something else however. It stands for “type” so the types of activities you are going to be doing. This is more of a category than specific activities. For example, an aerobic activity that keeps heart rate within your target heart zone. There wasn’t a specific one given, but you can find videos or search on google to find some.


Areas that Need Improvement

Frequency (Workout Routine for the Weeks/ how many times a week) Activites Intensity Time Sets and Reps
Two Mile


-will work on

achieving this

three times a

week on



and Monday (3

times a week)

-going on a run, jog or walk around my park

-running on the treadmill

-playing sports like basketball and soccer with my brother in the basement


65-85% of

heart rate


75-85% of





-twenty to


minutes a


-3 sets

-10 minute reps of running, jogging or walking

Push-ups -will work on


more pushups


days a week

on Tuesday,


Thursday and

Friday (4 times



-try out modified styles of push ups

-use weights to stretch out my arm muscles

-do push ups in general (try more every couple of days)

-start at ten pounds and go up from there

-train arm



80% of

full strain

-ten to


minutes a


-2 reps

-10 pushups is one rep


Thank you so much for reading this article. We hope that learning this chart will inspire you to work harder. Best of luck!