How to Jump Higher for Volleyball

It’s hard to imagine the sport of volleyball without vertical jumps. It’s widely known that volleyball players jump many times during the match. There is no doubt that having a high vertical jump is incredibly important for every volleyball player. That’s why jumping exercises have to be a key part of volleyball player’s training program.
In this blog, we’ll highlight the importance of having a high vertical jump for volleyball. Additionally, we explain readers what it takes to be a good jumper. Below, you’ll be able to find some of great exercises volleyball players choose to do for increasing a vertical jump as well. Above all, we’ll give you a few tips to help you jump higher for volleyball.
Why It’s So Important to Jump High in Volleyball
First of all, let’s us explain why it’s so important for volleyball players to have a high vertical jump. It’s worth noting that the ability to jump higher is crucial both for volleyball attackers and defenders. The reality is if you are an attacker with a high vertical jump that means that you’ll have a better chance of landing the ball on the opposite part of the court successfully. On the other hand, if you are a defender then having a high vertical jump will certainly make it easy for you to block attacks of the opposite team. So, the question is – how to jump higher for volleyball? Now, it’s time to find the answer to this very important question.
Jumping Exercises for Volleyball
It’s important to point out that there are many effective exercises for a higher vertical jump in volleyball. Now, we’ll explain what exercises an athlete has to do on a regular basis to jump higher for volleyball. Try to do each of these jumping exercises and see how it works for you. Finally, you’ll be able to develop the best volleyball jumping technique for yourself and, most importantly, you’ll begin to jump higher.
Standing Vertical Jumps
A volleyball player has to prepare a piece of chalk before to start doing this exercise. Initially, you need to stand in front of the wall. Now, your task is to jump as high as possible. Moreover, each time you jump – make a mark on the wall. So, you’ll see the results and do your best to improve your vertical jump.
Resistance Training
If you would like to jump higher for volleyball then you’ll definitely need to focus on resistance training. In other words, it would be great for you to do such exercises as dead lift, leg press, squats and others. By doing this type of exercises you’ll be able to increase your lower body strength dramatically. This will certainly end up with a higher vertical jump over time.
Box Jumps
Keep in mind that you’ll need a stable box for this jumping exercise. Actually, the exercise is easy to do. First of all, you need to do is to jump onto the box. Afterwards, you’ll need to jump off the box. A volleyball player has to spend up to 30 minutes on doing this exercise.
Depth Jumps
This exercise requires a standing box as well. At the first step, an athlete will need to jump onto a standing box. At the second step, an athlete will have to jump off a standing box. Immediately, after landing you’ll need to jump as high as possible. Without a doubt, this exercise will have a big impact on your vertical jump. So, make depth jumps a key part of your training program.
Shock Jumps
Prepare a standing box to do this jumping exercise in advance. First of all, you’ll need to jump onto a standing box. The next step you need to take is to jump off a standing box and try to land on the balls of your feet. Bear in mind that it’s incredibly important for an athlete not to move after landing. So, you need to do your best to land like a gymnast without moving. It’s recommended to do this exercise up to 6 times.
Weight Jumps
It’s worth noting that jumping with dumbbells positively affects volleyball player’s explosive power. Therefore, doing weight jumps has a profound positive impact on a volleyball player’s vertical jump as well. So, do weight jumps to improve your vertical jump.
Prepare two dumbbells beforehand. When doing this exercise you’ll need to have a dumbbell in each hand. Initially, you need to get into a sitting position. So, dumbbells will touch the floor. From this position, you’ll need to jump vertically as high as possible. When jumping you should do your best to bring your knees to the chest. You’ll need to do weight jumps 10 times. Afterwards, take 1 minute break. Do weight jumps at least 3 cycles.
You’ll also need to choose dumbbells of the right weight for this volleyball exercise. It’s best to start doing the exercise with 2-6 kg dumbbells. However, it would be nice to increase weights over time. Obviously, you need to avoid overloading yourself when doing weight jumps.
Jump Squats
It’s another exercise that you need to do to increase your vertical jump for volleyball. First of all, you need to bend your knees and get into a sitting position. Now, you’ll need to jump straight up. You should do this jumping exercise up to 6 times.
Tuck Jumps
Tuck jumps are also a good exercise for those volleyball players who would like to increase their vertical jump. Initially, you need to bend your knees. Now, your task is to jump as high as possible. When jumping, a volleyball player has to bring knees to chest. However, the most important thing about this exercise is that an athlete should be able to stretch their legs before landing. Doing this exercise improves a volleyball player’s explosive power significantly and leads to a higher vertical jump.
Tips for Better Volleyball Jump
Here are some tips for a higher vertical jump in volleyball:
– Obviously, a volleyball player has to warm up properly before to start doing jumping exercises. By doing so, an athlete will be able to get the most out of jumping exercises and prevent different types of injuries. You need to know that such a wonderful exercise as jumping rope is one of the best ways to warm up before to jumping exercises. You can take a jump rope between jumping exercises as well. Traditionally, a lot of volleyball players choose to do cardio to warm up prior to start doing exercises for a higher volleyball jump.
– After finishing jumping exercises, volleyball players have to warm down as well. When warming down, it’s a great idea to focus on doing breathing exercises. As a result, your body will receive enough oxygen and your muscles will be able to restore after hard physical load. You can also take advantage of post-workout stretches to warm down and relax your body properly after jumping exercises.
– Obviously, you should do your best to maximize your results when trying to improve your jump for volleyball. So, it’s important for you to focus on the most effective jumping exercises. It makes sense for you to try different jumping exercises. Moreover, you should track your success all the time and analyze the efficiency of each exercise. Sooner or later, you’ll be able to find the jumping exercises which work best for you.
– Consistency is a key to success in increasing a vertical jump for the sport of volleyball. That means that if you wish to get excellent results and begin to jump higher, then you need to do jumping exercises on a regular basis.
– It’s crucial for you to know that it takes a volleyball player some time to increase a vertical jump. So, you may find it difficult to achieve success at the beginning. That means that you shouldn’t expect quick results. Don’t stop doing jumping exercises even if you don’t achieve quick results. Keep in mind that if you work hard and do exercises regularly you’ll be able to see improvements over time.
– Measure your vertical jump height regularly. When trying to increase your jump for volleyball it’s essential for you to make sure that you are making a progress. That means that you should measure your jump regularly. The best way to measure your current jump height is to jump high and make marks on the wall using the piece of chalk. If you find that your strategy is not effective, then you obviously need to make some changes. It’s a great idea to get focused on doing other exercises for higher vertical jump. So, measure your vertical jump height on a regular basis and do your best to improve your results.
Thank you so much for reading our article on how to jump higher for volleyball. Now, you know what jumping exercises to do as well as what tips to follow to improve your vertical jump for volleyball. So, the time for empty talk is over. Begin to work on your jump and do your best to jump higher. Good luck!