The Importance of Cooling Down and Static Stretching After Practice or Games

There has been a lot of talk about the importance of warming up before volleyball practice and competition. However, the proper cool down after volleyball workouts and games is also very important. It’s widely known that warming up helps volleyball players prepare their body for the game properly. The volleyball warm up allows players activate their nervous system and prepare a player for the game emotionally. A warm up program of volleyball players mainly consists of dynamic flexibility exercises. On the other hand, volleyball players have to cool down after the game to restore their body properly. A volleyball cool down mainly consists of static stretches.
Volleyball Players Need to Perform Static Stretches after Practice or Game
It goes without saying that cooling down and static stretching exercises have to be a key part of a training program for volleyball players. Coaches usually recommend volleyball players to cool down and do static stretching exercises after practice or games.
The point is that a volleyball player’s body is warmed up after the workouts or game. So, the body’s temperature increases as well. As a result, body’s muscles become more elastic. This allows a volleyball player to maximize the benefits of performing static stretches significantly.
Keep in mind that cooling down and doing static stretches provide volleyball players with many important advantages. Today, we are going to explain readers why it is so important for volleyball players to cool down and do static stretches after practice and games.
Cooling Down and Static Stretching Helps Achieve Relaxation
When playing games or doing volleyball workouts players usually work hard and often make explosive movements. In order to get ready for the next volleyball competitions you need to let your body recover properly. That’s why it is a good idea to achieve relaxation after every volleyball game or practice. Stretching cool down allows players to relax the muscles of their body and recover it after volleyball practice or games properly.
Cooling Down and Static Stretching Play a Key Role in Preventing Injuries
Some muscles of a volleyball player can become very tight after workouts and competitions. Tight muscles are considered to be one of the main reasons why so many volleyball players get injuries during workouts and games. As it was mentioned above, cooling down and doing static stretches allow volleyball players to relax and lengthen their muscles. This also helps volleyball players prevent different types of injuries.
Doing Static Stretches Leads to Improved Body Flexibility
Needless to say that that it is incredibly important for a volleyball player to have a flexible body. It is worth noting that improved body flexibility is another important advantage of doing static stretches. If a player improves body flexibility he/she will certainly manage to demonstrate more effective results during the game.
Doing static stretches is considered to be an effective way for volleyball players to increase body flexibility. So, if you cool down and do static stretches after workouts and games regularly you will manage to improve body flexibility dramatically.
Static Stretching is Recommended for Better Performance
It is important to note that cooling down and static stretching has a huge positive impact on the performance of volleyball players. Stretching muscles after training helps volleyball players recover their body properly and prepare themselves for the next game. Those volleyball players, who cool down and do static stretches after workouts on the regular basis, usually demonstrate more effective results during the game.
Doing Static Stretches Reduces Stress
Studies have shown that volleyball players often suffer from physical stress during the game. According to the studies, physical stress is a serious problem of volleyball players who play in the middle position on court. Studies also indicate that physical stress in volleyball is mainly caused by jumping and landing. The point is that jumping and landing puts a huge load on a volleyball player. Those volleyball players who play in the middle position usually do a lot of jumping during the game.
There is evidence that stress negatively affects a volleyball player’s muscles. In fact, stress causes increased tension in the muscles. Therefore, physical stress has a negative impact on performance of a volleyball player.
It is interesting to know that doing static stretches allows volleyball players to relax both mentally and physically. Performing static stretches is an effective way of reducing stress levels. Those players, who do static stretches during volleyball cool down regularly, can relax their body and reduce stress levels dramatically.
Static Stretches Allow Volleyball Players Balance Their Body
It’s no surprise that some volleyball moves can cause muscular imbalances. Muscular-skeletal imbalances may result in volleyball injuries of different types. That’s why it is important for volleyball players to do exercises which help balance their body after practice or games. Cooling down and performing static stretches are a good way to balance a body and reduce the risk of getting injuries.
How to Get Most Out of Static Stretching during a Cool Down for Volleyball
Without a doubt, it’s incredibly important for volleyball players to perform static stretches during a cool down. However, it is crucial to perform static stretches correctly as well. You need to understand the purposes of performing static stretches. You should always perform static stretches with a purpose. Among the top reasons to perform static stretches are lengthening volleyball player’s tight muscles after the game or workouts, increasing flexibility, balancing a body as well as preventing injuries. Performing static stretches also helps a volleyball player achieve relaxation and feel good after the game.
In order to maximize the benefits of performing static stretches you should understand your purposes. Moreover, it is crucial to focus on doing effective static stretching exercises. It is worth mentioning that there are different types of static stretches for volleyball cool down. However, your objective is to choose stretching exercises which correspond to your purposes.
Do you want to improve flexibility of your low back muscles? If so, it’s reasonable to do Sitting Toe Touch exercise.
Do you need to stretch your quadriceps and hip flexors? Then performing Side Quadriceps Stretch is definitely a good idea.
Do you aim to stretch the hamstrings and lower back muscles? Include Semi-straddle exercises in your cool down for volleyball.
Performing Straddle stretch helps strengthen the following groups of muscles: low back muscles, hamstrings as well as the muscles on the inside part of thighs.
Butterfly is an ideal exercise for stretching the muscles on the inside part of thighs.
Is your purpose to stretch your triceps and back muscles? That means you need to take advantage of doing Behind-Neck Stretch exercise.
Do you need to stretch your shoulder and back muscles? Obviously, you should focus on performing Cross Arm in Front of Chest static stretch!
Doing Arms Straight Up Above Head exercise is recommended for stretching your back muscles successfully.
Side Bend With Straight Arms is an ideal exercise for stretching side AB muscles, back muscles as well as and the serratus anterior.
Here are also a few tips to help you make your static stretching more effective. Keep in mind that holding each stretch should take between 15 and 30 seconds. Volleyball coaches typically recommend players to repeat each static stretch 3 – 5 times. A cool down for volleyball should include static stretching which have an impact on all major muscle groups of the body. When performing static stretches during a cool down volleyball players usually feel some tensions in their muscles. However, exercises shouldn’t be very painful. In order to get most out of static stretching it is extremely important for a volleyball player to breathe correctly. Each time when holding the stretch you need to take a deep breath.